1. Technical Proficiency: Members are expected to have a solid foundation in various dance styles such as ballet, contemporary, jazz, or others relevant to the company’s focus. They should demonstrate technical proficiency and continue to develop their skills throughout their membership.

2. Training: Pre-professional dancers are typically required to attend regular technique classes and rehearsals as scheduled by the company. This includes maintaining good attendance and punctuality.

3. Professionalism: Members must conduct themselves professionally both inside and outside of the studio or performance settings. This includes respecting instructors, fellow dancers, staff members, and adhering to any codes of conduct or guidelines set by the company.

4. Commitment: Pre-professional dancers are expected to prioritize their involvement with the dance company above other extracurricular activities that may conflict with rehearsal schedules or performances.

5. Performance Participation: Company members will be involved in various performances throughout the year which may include showcases, recitals, competitions, community events or even professional stage productions if applicable.

6. Openness to Feedback: Dancers should be receptive to feedback from instructors and choreographers in order to grow artistically and technically.

8. Financial Obligations  RDA requires financial contributions from members towards costumes fees/production expenses/travel costs/etc., so it’s important for dancers (or their parents/guardians) to understand these financial obligations upfront before joining.

9. Continued Education & Artistic Development: Pre-professional dancers are encouraged to seek additional training opportunities outside of the company, such as attending workshops, masterclasses, or summer intensives to further their growth as artists